Customize your rigs with Niceyrig // Cannon ME200S-SH Cage
By NikyOctober 22nd, 2020294 views
Today I would like to share a custom cage story with you guys.
Most of Niceyrig's customer have no idea about Niceyrig customized service. Let's take a look at how Mr.G customize his dedicated cage!
One day, a filmmaker named Mr.G contacted Niceyrig’s customer service through the niceyrig facebook page. He wanted to customize a cage for his Cannon ME200S-SH, because there is no any dedicated cages for this camera on the market. In the first step, Mr. G provided detailed data information and clear product images of all angles, and describe his preliminary requirements to the customer service. Based on the information transferred by the customer service, the products designer of Niceyrig drew the first drawing drafts. In the second step, according to Mr.G’s ideas and the designer’s professional judgement, some of details such as screw holes, sliders, and positioning holes were adjusted. The third step, was to make a 3D model and send it to MR.G for physical testing. And adjusted some details again based on the feedback. The fourth step, reconfirmed everything about the cage like the modified part, the position setting of different types mounting points, the diameter of thread hole with Mr.G, and provided the final drawing drafts. Finaly, physical cage finished!
The cage fits the camera perfectly!
Niceyrig is thousands of kilometers away from our customers, but we did it!
Niceyrig is always working on improving.
Please talk with us when you need to customize a unique rig for your beloved camera machine, we will do our best to complete your dream rig together with you!
Please feel free to contact Niceyig vis [email protected] / [email protected]